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IFR Geomagnetics Airborne Survey for Relief Well

Relief Well - Indonesia



Before drilling a relief well where PathControl was involved, all possible advanced survey management techniques were assessed to improve the position and accuracy of the target well.

A local geomagnetic map was constructed thanks to In-Field Referencing measurements of local crustal anomalies. These measurements improved the knowledge of the geomagnetic field used for magnetic azimuth referencing of the target and relief wells. Moreover, the purpose of this measurement was to reduce the lateral uncertainty of the target well trajectory.

Applied Solution

  • Geomagnetic data acquisition through drone.
  • Minimum level of anomalies measured.
  • Ability to confirm absence of anomalies.

Impact & Added Value

The local geomagnetic field was measured thanks to IFR values.

Using the IFR helped to reduce the MWD surveys lateral uncertainty of the target well and of the relief well by 50%. 

This improvement allows delaying the first ranging run before the locate phase, and reducing the overall number of ranging runs needed to intercept.

At a glance




Well Placement


IFR Geomagnetics

Completion Date


Relief Well - Indonesia

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