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Database Integrity

Ensure your trajectory database is free from gross errors

Accurate collision avoidance computation is critical to ensure safe drilling.

This can only be achieved with a complete directional drilling database free from gross errors, which can affect the key well reference data: surface & elevation geodetics correctness, no missing wells or sidetracks, proper well trajectory and survey QA/QC, well defined associated error model tool performance, etc...

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Database Set-up

It all starts with building a complete and free of gross errors database ready to use for the drilling engineer for the upcoming operations. Creating a complete and sound database starts by an effective process of data mining and gathering. QA/QC aims at auditing all data available that support the key well information (coordinates reference system, geomagnetic model, survey tool type audit, End of Well Reports, DDRs, DD reports, gyro survey & QC reports…).

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Survey Database Integrity QC

Survey database integrity is the first requirement that should be addressed in order to ensure proper survey management. Gross errors are typically the main source of unpredicted issues when drilling in an infill environment. Experience of formally auditing legacy data usually identifies a high proportion of incomplete wells or wells with gross error in any database.

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Database Maintenance

Maintaining a database free from gross error is of upmost importance during a drilling campaign. Our wellbore survey management engineers will ensure the validation of the final wellbore trajectory and update it in the database following a QA/QC process.

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Your survey management partner delivering services for Survey Management, Wellbore Positioning and Well Interception.

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