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"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

A blowout event requires an appropriate emergency response.

This emergency response should be prepared in advance by considering and analyzing the worst-case discharge of the given well and by preparing and defining the optimum surface intervention and relief well response plan to such an event.

Such a document associated to a drilling well is called a BOCP for the Blow-Out Contingency Plan.

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Blow-Out Contingency Plan

We provide detailed engineering for relief well design and we collaborate with well control experts and third-party company to provide dynamic killing simulations and surface intervention feasibility study.

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Dynamic Killing Simulation

Simulate fluid dynamic killing of the blowout well & worst-case discharge; the main objective is to ensure feasibility of killing the well based on different depth interception scenarios and relief well trajectory, and to establish mud volume and kill pressure.

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Relief Well Design

BOCP includes Relief Well Contingency Planning:

  • Optimized relief well surface locations (primary and contingency).
  • Validation of adequate design constraints (seabed, infrastructure, offset wells, metocean, directional constraints...).
  • Design of relief well trajectories with respect to all agreed constraints.
  • Generic high-level workflow from the planning stage to the interception.
  • Roles & responsibilities to ensure efficient communication during the relief well execution.
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Your survey management partner delivering services for Survey Management, Wellbore Positioning and Well Interception.

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