Ludovic Macresy
CEO & Founder

Ludovic is responsible for setting and delivering PathControl long-term business strategy. He is also actively involved in building relationships and engaging with customers and partners.


“My motivation has always been to develop new technologies that would fill the gaps needed in the industry. Identifying the gaps and creating solutions with our technology, processes and people to improve our customer performance gives me great satisfaction”.


Ludovic has planned and executed numerous relief wells across the world and participated in the development of game changing, high-end directional drilling engineering software solutions.


Ludovic has been running and developing oil and gas high tech companies the last 15 years and understands exactly what PathControl’s customer expectations are. He earns a Double Master's degree in Physics andMechanics from Ecole Polytechnique and Mining School of Paris, FRANCE. 

We are Pathcontrol

Your survey management partner delivering services for Survey Management, Wellbore Positioning and Well Interception.

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